Khalistani separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun has released a video, allegedly recorded in Brampton, Canada, in which he issues threats against Hindu temples, specifically targeting Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir. In the video, Pannun, a leader of the banned Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) group, warned of planned attacks on November 16 and 17, aiming to incite violence against Hindu places of worship.
Pannun’s statement directly references Ayodhya, calling it “the birthplace of violent Hindutva ideology” and threatening to “shake its foundations.” The video includes images of Prime Minister Narendra Modi visiting the Ram Temple during its inauguration in January, and also advises Indians in Canada to avoid Khalistani-led attacks on Hindu temples.
Previously, in October, Pannun cautioned travelers against flying on Air India between November 1 and 19, a period he linked to the so-called “40th anniversary of the 1984 Sikh genocide.”
Pannun, designated a terrorist under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in 2020, has been involved in several provocative campaigns aimed at fostering instability, including calls for violence against Indian diplomats. He continues to reside abroad, operating from Canada and the US despite multiple warrants for his arrest issued by the Indian government.
Pannun’s group, SFJ, has a history of advocating for a separate Sikh state and has increased its activities in recent years. This has coincided with a rise in threats against Hindu communities and attacks on Hindu temples in Canada, with incidents involving vandalism, hate graffiti, and public intimidation. Recently, pro-Khalistani demonstrators clashed with worshippers at the Hindu Sabha temple in Brampton and disrupted a consular event co-hosted by the temple and the Indian Consulate.
India has raised repeated concerns with Canadian authorities about growing pro-Khalistani activities, calling for stricter measures to curb radical elements. However, Canada’s response has often been seen as lacking in strength, a factor contributing to recent tensions between the two nations.