King Charles and Queen Camilla recently made a quiet visit to Bengaluru, spending three days at a renowned integrative health facility, sources confirmed on Wednesday. During their stay, the royal couple engaged in a range of wellness practices at the center, known for its therapeutic treatments, including yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and naturopathy.
A representative of the facility noted that the King and Queen participated in daily yoga sessions as part of their morning routine. Their wellness regimen also involved a specially curated diet tailored to support rejuvenative treatments. Besides therapies and meditation, the couple enjoyed the peaceful surroundings of the 30-acre campus, taking long walks and visiting an organic farm located on the premises.
The facility, the SOUKYA International Holistic Centre in Samethanahalli near Whitefield, has hosted King Charles before. He previously celebrated his 71st birthday there in 2019. The center is operated by Dr. Issac Mathai, who was one of the select few from India invited to attend King Charles’ coronation.
Known for his advocacy of Ayurveda, King Charles has shown longstanding support for traditional Indian wellness practices. In April 2018, he joined Prime Minister Narendra Modi in London at the launch of an Ayurvedic Centre of Excellence, a collaborative effort to promote research in Ayurveda and yoga globally.