West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has announced that this year's Trinamool Chhatra Parishad Foundation Day will be dedicated to the trainee doctor who was tragically raped and murdered at Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. In her statement, Banerjee expressed profound condolences to the victim's family and called for justice, emphasizing the importance of supporting and inspiring the youth to contribute positively to society.
Banerjee's announcement comes on the heels of a 12-hour bandh called by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in West Bengal. The strike, which began at 6 am and will last until 6 pm, is in protest against police actions during a recent march to the state secretariat, Nabbana. The protestors were demonstrating against the brutal crime and demanding justice.
The demonstration on Tuesday saw violent clashes between police and protestors in Kolkata. Authorities used tear gas, water cannons, and lathi-charges to control the crowd, resulting in injuries to several protestors and police officers. BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari claimed that more than 160 people, including 17 women, were injured in the confrontation. Adhikari has called on Governor CV Ananda Bose to impose President's Rule in the state, criticizing the police response as excessive.
BJP state president and Union Minister Sukanta Majumdar defended the bandh as a necessary reaction to what he described as the "autocratic regime" of Mamata Banerjee. He accused the government of ignoring the demands for justice and said the police actions against peaceful protestors were unjustified.
On the day of the bandh, Kolkata appeared unusually quiet, with heavy police presence and disruptions across the city. North Bengal State Transport Corporation (NBSTC) bus drivers were seen wearing helmets for safety, and major airlines issued travel advisories regarding potential disruptions and delays. Airlines like Vistara, IndiGo, and SpiceJet urged passengers to monitor their flight statuses and plan their travel accordingly due to expected transport and traffic issues.
The situation remains tense as the bandh continues, reflecting the ongoing unrest and deep concerns over the state of justice and governance in West Bengal.