West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee criticized political parties on Wednesday for exploiting the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at a Kolkata hospital for political gain. Banerjee accused the CPI(M) and BJP of "indulging in cheap politics" rather than standing in solidarity with the victim’s family. "They think they can replicate what happened in Bangladesh here, but I am not driven by a hunger for power," she remarked.
Responding to criticism of her government’s handling of the case, Banerjee asserted that she had been closely involved from the moment she learned of the crime. "I was monitoring the situation the entire night, in constant communication with the police commissioner and the victim’s parents," she said, emphasizing that swift action had been taken. "What have we not done? As soon as I came to know of the incident, I spoke to the police commissioner and spoke to the parents. I promised them the rapist would be hanged, and I stand by that."
Banerjee praised the Kolkata Police for their prompt response, noting that the investigation began immediately and the first arrest was made within 12 hours. "The police escorted the victim’s body, conducted DNA tests, reviewed CCTV footage, and collected samples—everything was done thoroughly, and the murderer was apprehended quickly," she stated.
The case was transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday following the Calcutta High Court’s intervention. Banerjee expressed her commitment to following the court's directives and assured that her government would cooperate fully with the CBI. "We had already summoned 34 individuals, with more on the list, but the High Court decided to hand the case to the CBI," she explained.
In a strong message, Banerjee announced she would lead a rally on August 17, calling for the death penalty for the accused. "I want the accused to be hanged. I hope the CBI will deliver justice by next Sunday," she declared.