The Uttar Pradesh Police made headlines on Sunday after swiftly arresting a young voter allegedly involved in a viral video depicting multiple votes cast in favor of a BJP candidate at a polling booth in the populous state. The accused, identified as Rajan Singh, was apprehended following widespread dissemination of the video on social media platforms by opposition leaders, including those from the Congress and Samajwadi Party.
In the widely circulated two-minute video, Singh can be seen purportedly casting votes for BJP candidate Mukesh Rajput on the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) at least eight times. While the authenticity of the video could not be independently verified by India Today, it stirred controversy and prompted an immediate response from law enforcement authorities.
Notably, Mukesh Rajput is contesting from the Farrukhabad Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh under the BJP banner. Upon receiving the complaint, an FIR was lodged at the Naya Gaon police station, invoking various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and relevant election laws, including those related to electoral offenses, cheating by personation, and maintaining the secrecy of voting, among others.
The Election Commission also swiftly intervened, directing concerned authorities to take prompt and effective action. "Cognizance of the circulating video has been taken. Concerned District Election Officer has been directed to take prompt and effective action," stated the Chief Election Officer of Uttar Pradesh.
Furthermore, the Election Commission instructed authorities to suspend and initiate disciplinary proceedings against all officials present at the polling booth during the incident. This decisive action followed demands for intervention from opposition parties, with both the Congress and Samajwadi Party highlighting the matter on social media platforms.
"Dear Election Commission, do you see this? One person is voting 8 times. It's time to wake up," tweeted the Congress, while Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav called for action, stating, "If the Election Commission feels that this is wrong, they should certainly take some action, otherwise... BJP's booth committee is actually a loot committee."
The incident underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity of the electoral process and the vigilance required to prevent malpractices during elections.