Manu Bhaker has secured her place in Indian sports history by becoming the first female athlete from India to win two medals in a single edition of the Olympics. On Tuesday, July 30, she clinched a bronze medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team event, following her earlier bronze win in the women's 10m air pistol event. This victory ended a 12-year medal drought for India in Olympic shooting.
Bhaker and her shooting partner, Sarabjot Singh, faced off against Korea's Wonho Lee and Jin Ye Oh in a gripping contest, ultimately triumphing with a scoreline of 16-10 to secure India's second medal of the 2024 Olympics.
The match began with a shaky start for India as Korea took the first round with a score of 20.5 to 18.8. However, Bhaker and Singh quickly bounced back in the second round, with Bhaker scoring 10.7 and Singh 10.5, outscoring Korea’s 19.9.
The third round also went to India, with both Bhaker and Singh hitting 10.4 each, while Korea managed 19.8. This put India ahead 6-2. Bhaker’s first four shots were consistently above 10, and despite a slip-up from Singh with a 9.6, Bhaker's 10.5 ensured another round win for India, extending their lead further.
Although Korea managed to pull one round back, India quickly reached double figures, leading 10-4. Despite a bad shot from Bhaker allowing Korea to close the gap slightly, India extended their lead to 12-6. Korea made the final stages tense by narrowing the lead to 14-8 and then winning another series by a slim margin of 0.2. However, Bhaker and Singh ultimately secured the medal with a final score of 19.6.
With this achievement, Bhaker joins Norman Pritchard as the second Indian to win two medals in the same Olympics, a feat he achieved in 1900. Bhaker is set to compete next in the 25m pistol event, where she is a strong medal contender.