In a significant development in the Pune Porsche crash case, police have arrested the mother of a teenager accused of killing two people while driving a luxury car. According to the authorities, the mother swapped her blood sample with her son's to falsely prove that he wasn't intoxicated at the time of the accident.
Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar revealed that the investigation uncovered this deception, with the minor’s blood samples being replaced by those of his mother.
The tragic incident occurred on May 19 in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar, where a Porsche, allegedly driven by the intoxicated teen, collided with a two-wheeler, resulting in the deaths of two tech professionals, Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Kostha, both 24-year-old engineers from Madhya Pradesh.
The 17-year-old driver has been sent to an observation home, while his father and grandfather have been arrested on charges of kidnapping the family's driver and coercing him to take the blame for the accident. The investigation has exposed the family's attempts to cover up the crime, including offering the driver money to confess and then kidnapping him when he refused.
Further irregularities were found in the teen’s medical examination at the state-run Sassoon Hospital, prompting the Maharashtra Medical Education department to appoint a three-member committee, led by Dr. Pallavi Sapale, to investigate.
The mother of the teen had previously appeared in a video message, claiming a viral video of her son was fake and appealing to the police for his protection, during which she broke down in tears.
Initially, the teen was granted bail under lenient conditions, including writing a 300-word essay, working with traffic police for 15 days, and seeking treatment for his drinking habit. However, public outrage led the Juvenile Justice Board to revise its decision, placing him in an observation home until June 5 while they consider a police request to try him as an adult.