India's star javelin thrower, Neeraj Chopra, secured second place at the Diamond League Final in Brussels on Saturday, September 14. Neeraj’s best throw of 87.86 meters was just one centimeter short of the winning mark set by Grenada’s Anderson Peters, the Paris Olympics bronze medalist, who claimed the Diamond Trophy with a throw of 87.87 meters.
The competition, held at King Baudouin Stadium, saw Germany's Julian Weber take third place with a throw of 85.97 meters. Notably, Olympic champion Arshad Nadeem and 2023 Diamond League winner Jakub Vadlejch did not participate in the final.
Despite the chilly conditions, with temperatures ranging from 10-13 degrees Celsius, Neeraj showed strong form. He opened the event with a solid throw of 86.82 meters and followed it up with his best effort of 87.86 meters on his third attempt, keeping him just behind Peters. However, Neeraj couldn’t improve his distance in the later rounds, registering throws of 83.30 meters and 86.46 meters.
Peters maintained his lead throughout the competition, with his first attempt securing the title. Both athletes were far ahead of the rest of the field, with Weber the only other competitor nearing their performances.
Neeraj, who has dealt with a groin injury this season, appeared cautious during his final throws. His 2024 campaign concludes with this result, though he had a stellar year, including a silver medal at the Paris Olympics with a throw of 89.45 meters. Neeraj is expected to consult doctors to determine if surgery is needed for his injury in the offseason.
This is the second consecutive year Neeraj finished as runner-up in the Diamond League Final, having narrowly missed defending his 2022 title in 2023.