Om Birla, a three-time BJP MP, has been elected as the Lok Sabha Speaker for the second consecutive term. The election, decided by a voice vote, witnessed a rare moment of camaraderie between the ruling and opposition parties. Rahul Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition, personally congratulated Mr. Birla and shook hands with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
As the House celebrated Mr. Birla's re-election, he was escorted to the Speaker's chair by Prime Minister Modi, Rahul Gandhi, and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju. Prime Minister Modi praised Mr. Birla, saying his "sweet smile keeps the entire House happy," and highlighted the honor of his re-election.
Opposition leaders extended their congratulations but emphasized the need for their voices to be heard in Parliament. Rahul Gandhi expressed his hope that Mr. Birla would ensure the Opposition's right to speak, underscoring the importance of representing all voices in a democracy. He criticized the notion of running the House efficiently by silencing the Opposition, stressing the need to defend the Constitution.
Mr. Birla, in his address, called for unity among members to work for the nation and urged them to maintain decorum in the House. He distinguished between protests within Parliament and those on the streets, advocating for respectful conduct. The session ended in uproar when Mr. Birla called for a two-minute silence to mark the 50th anniversary of the Emergency, leading to the House's adjournment.
This election marks only the third contest for the Lok Sabha Speaker post since Independence. The Congress had fielded eight-time MP K Suresh against Mr. Birla, but with the NDA's 297 MPs against the Opposition's 232, Mr. Birla's victory was clear. Typically, the Speaker is chosen through consensus, and the government had sought support from Opposition parties. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge had indicated support for the NDA candidate in exchange for the Deputy Speaker post going to the Opposition. However, the government declined this arrangement, stating that the Speaker's election precedes the Deputy Speaker's, which they were not considering at the moment.
Rahul Gandhi criticized the government for not fulfilling the cooperation it promised. He recounted how Defence Minister Rajnath Singh had sought support from the Opposition but did not follow up on their condition regarding the Deputy Speaker post. The Deputy Speaker position, traditionally given to an Opposition MP, was left vacant in the last Lok Sabha, with the BJP previously naming its ally AIADMK's M Thambi Durai to the post in the prior term.