Dinesh Kumar Sarogi, CEO of Oman-based Vulcan Green Steel, has been charged under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita following allegations of sexual harassment on a flight. The 65-year-old Sarogi faces accusations from a woman who claimed he showed her adult movie clips on his phone and groped her during the flight.
In a post on X, the woman, identified as the co-chair of the India Conference at Harvard, detailed the incident that occurred on a flight from Kolkata to Abu Dhabi. She recounted that Sarogi initially engaged her in a "normal conversation" about their backgrounds and hobbies. However, he later took out his phone to show her explicit content and began to grope her.
"I was shocked and scared. I ran to the washroom and reported the incident to the flight attendants," the woman wrote. She praised the Etihad Airways crew for their quick response, noting that they provided her with tea and fruits and moved her to a safe area. Despite this, Sarogi allegedly kept asking the airline staff about her whereabouts.
Following a complaint filed by the woman's parents, the Bidhannagar City Police in Kolkata have registered a case against Sarogi under Sections 74 (assault or use of criminal force with intent to outrage modesty), 75 (sexual harassment), and 79 (uttering words or making gestures or exhibits that insult the modesty of a woman and intrude upon her privacy) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.