BJP leader and outgoing Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal, responded on Thursday to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's allegations of a "biggest stock market scam." Gandhi had accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other ministers of making comments that artificially inflated the stock market before the election results, which later led to a crash and significant losses for investors. Gandhi called for an investigation into the matter.
Goyal dismissed Gandhi's claims, suggesting that the Congress leader was struggling to accept the opposition's defeat in the Lok Sabha elections. "Rahul Gandhi seems unable to come to terms with the opposition's loss. Now, he is trying to deceive market investors," Goyal said. He highlighted India's economic achievements, noting that it is now the fifth-largest economy and the fastest-growing in the world. "PM Modi has assured the nation that in this term, India will become the third-largest economy," Goyal added.
Goyal explained that foreign investors bought stocks at high rates following exit polls, while Indian investors sold and booked profits. He accused Gandhi of attempting to mislead investors with his statements.