Jan Suraaj Party founder Prashant Kishor, who was on a hunger strike demanding the cancellation of a recent Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exam, was arrested on Monday morning from Patna’s Gandhi Maidan. After being presented in court, he was granted conditional bail by the Patna Civil Court on a personal bond of ₹25,000.
Despite the bail order, Kishor has reportedly refused to accept the conditions, which require him to refrain from participating in protests or demonstrations that disrupt public order. His lawyer, Shivanand Giri, confirmed the development, stating, “Kishor has not accepted the bail conditions and remains at the court. If he does not comply, he may have to go to jail.”
Arrest at Gandhi Maidan
Kishor, who had been on a hunger strike since January 2, was removed from Gandhi Maidan by the police early Monday morning. A video shared by PTI showed police officials escorting Kishor from the protest site amid slogans of "Vande Mataram" from his supporters. According to Patna District Magistrate Chandrashekhar Singh, the protest was deemed illegal as it violated a Patna High Court order designating Gardanibagh as the only permissible site for dharnas.
An FIR was filed against Kishor and 150 of his supporters for violating the order. Singh stated, “The administration acted in accordance with the law. Kishor and his supporters were arrested and produced before the court.”
Protest Against BPSC Exam
Kishor’s hunger strike was initiated to demand the cancellation of the integrated 70th combined (preliminary) competitive test conducted by BPSC on December 13. Allegations of a question paper leak had surrounded the exam, leading the commission to organize a retest on January 4 for affected candidates.
According to the BPSC, the retest was conducted at 22 centers in Patna, with 5,943 out of 12,012 registered candidates appearing. The exam concluded without any reports of malpractice. However, Kishor maintained that the test should be entirely canceled, alleging irregularities.
Speaking on Monday, Kishor reiterated his intent to challenge the exam in court. "The Jan Suraaj Party will file a petition in the High Court on January 7 to demand the cancellation of the exam," he said.
Political Reactions
Kishor’s arrest drew criticism and political commentary. JD(U) spokesperson Neeraj Kumar accused Kishor of defying legal orders by protesting at Gandhi Maidan instead of the designated site. “Prashant Kishor ignored the rules and sat in Gandhi Maidan with blankets and a vanity van. The administration took action as per the law,” Kumar said.
Meanwhile, Kishor’s party has expressed its resolve to continue its fight against the alleged irregularities in the BPSC exam. Patna Police also conducted vehicle checks near Gandhi Maidan following Kishor’s arrest, further tightening security in the area.