Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed a newborn calf at his official residence, 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, in Delhi, and shared a heartwarming video on his social media account. The calf, named ‘Deepjyoti’ by the Prime Minister, was born at his residence and has a distinctive mark on its forehead, which Modi referred to as a “symbol of light.”
In the video, PM Modi is seen spending time with the calf, caressing it, and taking a stroll through the garden while gently petting and holding it. Modi explained that the name ‘Deepjyoti’ was inspired by the symbolic mark on the calf’s forehead, which he linked to light, a revered concept in Indian scriptures.
This isn’t the first time the Prime Minister has shown his affection for cows. Earlier, in January, during Makar Sankranti, he shared a video feeding Punganur cows, a small humped breed from South India, at his residence.