The Congress party on Saturday criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 11 resolutions presented during his Lok Sabha speech, labeling them as "hollow" and accusing him of being a "distorian" who distorts facts. The party also raised questions over PM Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s absence during Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi’s address in the two-day debate on the "Glorious Journey of 75 Years of the Constitution of India."
During his speech, PM Modi accused the Congress of having "tasted blood" and repeatedly undermining the Constitution. He emphasized that his government’s policies since 2014 have been focused on strengthening India’s unity and upholding the Constitution.
Reacting to the Prime Minister's remarks, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra criticized his over 110-minute-long speech, calling it reminiscent of a "double period of mathematics" that was "boring" and lacking in substance. "The PM has not said a single new thing. It felt like going decades back in time," she quipped. Priyanka also humorously remarked on BJP leaders’ reactions during the speech, claiming they appeared disinterested, with some looking bored or sleepy.
Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh accused PM Modi of distorting history. "Today in the Lok Sabha, he proved that he is not just an MA in 'Entire Political Science,' but also a 'Distorian' par excellence. His statements put WhatsApp University to shame," Ramesh said, referencing Modi's earlier educational qualifications.
K.C. Venugopal, Congress General Secretary in charge of the organization, criticized PM Modi’s speech on X (formerly Twitter), calling it a "hackneyed rant" against the Congress. He said the Prime Minister failed to address key issues of injustice and inequality affecting Indian society, choosing instead to recycle old narratives against the Congress that no longer resonate with the public. "No matter how many speeches he gives, his hypocrisy on the Constitution will be exposed," Venugopal added.
Congress Deputy Leader in the Lok Sabha Gaurav Gogoi said PM Modi owes thanks to Congress leaders Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi for initiating the debate on the Constitution. "The foresight of the Congress ensured a vibrant discussion. While we disagree with the BJP on many issues, the nation deserves to see the Parliament debating matters of national importance," Gogoi said.
Meanwhile, Congress whip Manickam Tagore questioned the Prime Minister’s absence during Rahul Gandhi’s speech, despite the Leader of Opposition being present during Modi’s address. "Why this behavior, Mr. Prime Minister?" Tagore asked.
The Congress further accused the BJP of disrespecting parliamentary decorum by failing to show up during crucial opposition speeches, highlighting that the debate on the Constitution deserved more sincerity from the ruling party.