On Friday, Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar confirmed that the 17-year-old boy involved in the May 19 Porsche accident, which resulted in the deaths of two people, was fully aware while driving. In a press conference, Kumar addressed attempts to shift blame onto the family driver, asserting that evidence clearly showed the teen was behind the wheel.
"There was an attempt to show that the accused was not driving the vehicle and someone else was driving, but they couldn't do that," stated Kumar.
This clarification comes after the boy's family insisted their driver was responsible for the accident. The driver initially supported this claim, but the police, relying on technical evidence and CCTV footage, confirmed the juvenile was driving.
"We will take action under Section 201 (destruction of evidence) against those who tried to show that the accused juvenile was not driving the car and some adult driver was behind the wheels," Kumar added.
The incident, which occurred in Kalyani Nagar, resulted in the deaths of young IT professionals Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta. Kumar noted that an internal inquiry revealed lapses by some police personnel during the case registration, and actions would be taken against them. Special counsels will be appointed to represent the police in court.
Addressing allegations of preferential treatment, Kumar dismissed claims that the boy was served "pizzas and burgers" in custody. "We have not seen and nothing has come to our notice regarding any preferential treatment being given at the police station. If any negligence happened by Yerwada police, action will be taken," he said.
In the wake of public outrage, a Pune court revoked the bail granted to the teen, ordering his transfer to a juvenile centre.