Congress MP Rahul Gandhi took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a rally in Uttar Pradesh's Raebareli, suggesting that Modi has been using phrases similar to ones he's used.
Addressing the crowd, Rahul Gandhi claimed, "I have the power to make the Prime Minister say whatever I want." He cited instances where he mentioned names like Adani and Ambani, and shortly after, Modi used those names in his speeches. Rahul Gandhi also pointed out similarities in phrases like "taka-tak", implying that Modi echoed his language.
Asserting his influence over Modi's speech, Rahul Gandhi invited the public to suggest what they wanted to hear from the Prime Minister, implying he could make it happen.
Rahul Gandhi is contesting the Lok Sabha election from Raebareli, with Sonia Gandhi, the incumbent MP, having moved to the Rajya Sabha earlier this year. While there was speculation about Rahul Gandhi contesting from Amethi as well, he opted for Raebareli, with Kishori Lal Sharma fielded in Amethi.
In addition to Raebareli, Rahul Gandhi is also contesting from Wayanad in Kerala. Elections in Amethi and Raebareli are scheduled for May 20 as part of the fifth round of polling in the ongoing seven-phase elections.