Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, voiced deep concern regarding the escalating issue of youth unemployment in India, particularly highlighting a recent media report indicating a decline in salaries for graduates from the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in 2024, owing to a slowdown in hiring.
In a statement posted in Hindi on his WhatsApp channel, the former Congress chief pointed out the detrimental effects of the economic downturn, which are now significantly impacting the country's premier educational institutions like the IITs. Gandhi noted with alarm that there has been a continuous decline in campus placements and a noticeable reduction in the average annual salary packages offered to graduates, exacerbating the plight of young job seekers who are already facing a severe unemployment crisis.
According to Gandhi, the percentage of students failing to secure campus placements has risen sharply from 19% in 2022 to 38% in the current year. He underscored the broader implications of this trend, questioning the future prospects for students in institutions beyond the IITs given the challenging employment scenario.
"The youth of today are grappling with profound demoralization due to unemployment. Parents are investing lakhs in professional education, while students are compelled to take loans at exorbitant interest rates. Yet, many find themselves without job prospects or are forced to accept meager incomes, leading to further financial distress," Gandhi asserted.
He attributed these hardships to what he termed as the BJP government's "anti-education" mindset, accusing it of neglecting the educational sector and failing to provide adequate opportunities for the country's talented youth. Gandhi lamented that such policies have left the future of meritorious young Indians in a state of uncertainty.
"Does the Modi government have any concrete plan to alleviate the hardships faced by hardworking Indian youth in this crisis?" Gandhi questioned, urging the government to take immediate steps to address the unemployment crisis and restore hope to the nation's youth.
He pledged that the opposition would vigorously advocate for the concerns of young people and hold the government accountable for what he described as a grave injustice. Gandhi reaffirmed his commitment to championing the cause of youth empowerment and ensuring that their voices are heard at all levels of governance.