Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar strongly criticized the opposition for staging a walkout while Prime Minister Narendra Modi was addressing the Motion of Thanks to the President's address in the Upper House. Dhankhar condemned the opposition's actions, describing it as an insult to the Constitution of India.
The walkout, led by the INDIA bloc parties including the Congress, occurred after the Leader of the Opposition, Mallikarjun Kharge, was denied an opportunity to intervene during PM Modi's speech. Dhankhar expressed disappointment, stating that the opposition's conduct not only disregarded parliamentary dignity but also undermined the sanctity of the constitutional oath taken by MPs.
"Their act today challenges the essence of the Indian Constitution and disrespects the oath they have sworn," Dhankhar remarked during the session. He emphasized that the Constitution is not just a document but a guide to living, urging the opposition to reflect on their actions and uphold their duties responsibly.
The session witnessed uproar as opposition MPs demanded Kharge's intervention, which was denied by Dhankhar, leading to slogans and disruptions. PM Modi continued his address amidst the chaos, addressing issues related to the President's speech despite the opposition's protest.
This incident highlights ongoing tensions and parliamentary discord over procedural issues and the exercise of constitutional duties in the Rajya Sabha.