In Rajasthan's Kotputli-Behror district, a massive rescue operation is underway to save a three-year-old girl, Chetna, who fell into a 700-foot-deep borewell on her family's farm on Monday afternoon. Over 40 hours later, teams from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) are working tirelessly to retrieve her.
Chetna had initially fallen to a depth of approximately 15 feet while playing, but slipped further down as her family attempted to rescue her. Rescue operations have been challenging due to the borewell's narrow width and the compacted soil around it, made harder by moisture in the ground.
Early attempts to pull the child out using a hook attached to 10-foot iron rods were unsuccessful. On Tuesday night, a piling machine capable of digging up to 150 feet was brought in from Haryana to expedite the operation. NDRF officer Yogesh Meena explained the dual approach being implemented: “We are digging a 10-foot-deep pit near the borewell with a JCB while simultaneously using the piling machine to dig a deeper vertical shaft.”
To ensure Chetna's safety, an oxygen pipe has been lowered into the borewell, and four ambulances are on standby at the site.
The incident occurred after work on the borewell had been completed but left uncovered, according to officials. Chetna's plight has drawn widespread attention and concern, with the rescue efforts being closely monitored.
Teams from Jaipur began the operation just hours after the girl fell into the borewell. Despite the challenges, authorities remain committed to the rescue mission, working round the clock to bring her out safely.