Bollywood actor Salman Khan has significantly upgraded security measures at his Mumbai residence, Galaxy Apartments, following heightened threats to his safety. The 59-year-old star’s home is now equipped with bulletproof glass and electric fencing, with images of the new security installations circulating on social media. Workers were spotted installing blue-tinted bulletproof panels at the iconic residence.
The decision to enhance security comes after the murder of Salman’s close friend and former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique. Salman has also been assigned Y-plus security by authorities, which includes an armed constable trained in advanced weaponry and a police escort vehicle accompanying his car at all times.
Security has similarly been reinforced at the actor’s farmhouse in Panvel, Maharashtra. This follows multiple death threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang and its associates, stemming from the actor's involvement in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. In April 2024, Salman’s home was attacked when unidentified gunmen fired shots at the building, though no injuries were reported.
Despite these challenges, Salman remains active in his professional commitments. He is currently filming the upcoming eighteenth season of the reality show Bigg Boss and his much-anticipated film Sikandar, slated for release on Eid 2025.