Indian shooter Sarabjot Singh received a special call from Prime Minister Narendra Modi following his bronze medal win in the 10m Air Pistol mixed team event at the Paris Olympics on July 30. The PM took the time to personally congratulate Singh and his teammate, Manu Bhaker, who together secured India's second medal at the ongoing Games.
Singh and Bhaker clinched the bronze medal at the Chateauroux Shooting Centre, marking India’s second shooting medal of the Paris Olympics. After an impressive performance where India led 4-2 after the third series and extended their lead to 8-2 by the fifth series, the pair held their ground despite a late push from South Korea, eventually winning 16-10.
Prime Minister Modi called Sarabjot Singh shortly after the event, as Manu Bhaker was unavailable due to a post-event dope test. "Many, many congratulations to you. You have made your country proud. Your hard work has paid off. Congratulate Manu from my side. You were close in the individual competition, but in the team event, you achieved glory. Really well done. Your teamwork with Manu—what’s the secret behind that?" Modi said.
Sarabjot Singh responded, "Since 2019, we have been competing together in nationals, junior World Cups, and other tournaments. We hope to win Gold next time."
The bronze medal marked Sarabjot Singh’s redemption after a narrow miss in the men’s 10m pistol event earlier in the Games. Singh expressed a desire for greater achievements, setting his sights on winning gold at the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.
"I have complete faith in you guys. Manu has to prepare for her 25m event, once again many congratulations to you," PM Modi concluded his call.
Following the call, Singh remains focused on his future goals, determined to build on his success and strive for even greater accomplishments in the coming years.