A viral video shows a chaotic incident at Bishop Johnson Girls School in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, where the principal was forcibly removed from her office by staff members, led by the school's chairman. The video, lasting 2 minutes and 20 seconds, captures the staff demanding that the principal vacate her chair immediately. Despite her resistance, she was forcibly removed, and her phone was taken. The newly appointed principal was then seated amid applause from the staff. This incident is linked to an alleged multi-crore scam involving an exam paper leak.
Background and Allegations
Bishop Maurice Edgar Dan of the Diocese of Lucknow alleges that the school is involved in a scam related to the February 11 UPPSC Review Officer-Assistant Review Officer (RO-ARO) exam paper leak. A staff member, Vineet Jaswant, was arrested by the Special Task Force (STF) in connection with the leak, and Principal Parul Solomon was also implicated. According to Bishop Dan, Solomon's removal is a direct result of her alleged involvement in the scandal.
Details of the Incident
On February 11, the exam paper was leaked in Prayagraj before the start of the test. The UP STF arrested ten individuals, including Vineet Yashwant, the exam center administrator at Bishop Johnson Girls School. The paper was allegedly leaked by taking a photo of it on a mobile phone. Videos of the incident, now viral on social media, show staff members, including the bishop, breaking into Solomon's office and attempting to seize her phone. Despite her protests, the phone was taken, and she was removed from her chair. The new principal, Sherlyn Massey, was then seated amid applause.
Legal Actions and Reactions
Bishop Dan stated that Solomon was replaced by Shirley Massey after her termination. Solomon allegedly locked herself in the principal's office, and the staff had to forcibly remove her. Bishop Dan claims Solomon has filed a case for sexual abuse against the group. However, he argues that video and CCTV footage show no physical contact. Bishop Dan has provided additional videos to the authorities.
Following Solomon's complaint, a case has been registered against several individuals, including NL Dan, Bishop Maurice Edgar Dan, Vinita Isubius, Sanjeet Lal, Vishal Navel Singh, RK Singh, Arun Mojs, Tarun Vyas, Abhishek Vyas, and others. The accused have submitted videos to the police, who are currently investigating. Bishop Dan has also accused Solomon of embezzling ₹2.40 crore during her tenure as principal.