Kulwinder Kaur, the CISF security officer accused of slapping newly-elected BJP MP Kangana Ranaut at Chandigarh airport, revealed that her actions were provoked by the actor's past comments about the farmers' protest. "She claimed farmers were protesting for ₹100. My mother was among those protesters. How could she say that?" Kaur explained.
Kaur, who hails from a farming family, has been suspended and now faces a police investigation. She stated that her response was driven by Ranaut's perceived disrespect towards farmers.
The incident occurred while Ranaut, the new MP from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi, was traveling to Delhi. Upon arrival, she posted a video expressing her concerns about "terrorism rising in Punjab."
"The altercation happened during the security check-in. The guard waited for me to pass and then hit me, hurling expletives. When I asked why she hit me, she said she supports farmers. I am safe, but I'm worried about the growing terrorism in Punjab. How do we address this?" Ranaut said in her video.
Viral footage showed Ranaut being escorted to a check-in counter, where a verbal confrontation ensued. The video does not capture the alleged slap.
Kaur referenced Ranaut's 2020 social media post during the nationwide farmers' protest, where the actor mocked an elderly woman protester, suggesting she was "available for ₹100." Public backlash forced Ranaut to delete the tweet.
In February 2021, Ranaut also responded controversially to international pop star Rihanna’s comments on the farmers' protest, labeling the protesters as "terrorists."
The 2020/21 farmers' protest, which significantly impacted the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, has been a contentious issue both domestically and internationally. Ranaut's frequent clashes with protesters include her convoy being blocked by agitators in Chandigarh during her campaign.