The Uttar Pradesh Police has demoted Deputy Superintendent Kripa Shankar Kannaujiya to the rank of constable, three years after he was discovered in a compromising situation with a female constable at a hotel.
Kripa Shankar Kannaujiya, who previously served as Circle Officer (CO) Bighapur in Unnao, has now been reassigned to the 26th Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) battalion in Gorakhpur. His troubles began in July 2021 when he went missing after taking leave.
Kannaujiya had taken leave for supposed family reasons but instead checked into a hotel in Kanpur with a female constable. He switched off both his personal and official mobile phones, raising suspicions.
Worried about her husband’s sudden disappearance, the CO’s wife contacted the SP Unnao for help. A surveillance team tracked Kannaujiya's last known location to the Kanpur hotel, where Unnao Police found him with the female constable. CCTV footage confirmed their presence.
Following the incident, a detailed report was submitted to the government. After a thorough review, it was recommended that Kannaujiya be demoted to the rank of constable. The ADG Administration issued an order to implement this decision, marking a significant fall from grace for the officer.