Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan graced the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Sunday, June 10, where he was seen seated alongside Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries. Their candid conversation at the event, captured in numerous photos and videos circulating on social media, caught the attention of netizens, particularly due to the tetra-packs of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) they were holding.
Social media buzzed with reactions as people noticed Shah Rukh and Ambani sipping on ORS, with some humorously questioning the choice of beverage at such an event. One user quipped, "Do these people also drink ORS?" Another remarked, "Ambani Ji is drinking ORS," while someone joked, "I want to be just rich enough to drink this ORS."
The significance of staying hydrated, especially in hot weather, was not lost on observers, with one Reddit user highlighting Shah Rukh's recent health scare during IPL 2024 when he suffered a heat stroke and was hospitalized in Ahmedabad.
Interestingly, a fan dug up an old social media post of Shah Rukh advising his followers to stay hydrated during the summer months. In response to a fan's query during an 'Ask SRK' session, the actor had advised, "Have some Nimbu Paani please. Don't get dehydrated."
At the prestigious event held at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Shah Rukh Khan exuded his trademark charm in an all-black ensemble, while Mukesh Ambani opted for a simple all-white attire. The star-studded gathering also included luminaries such as Rajinikanth, Kangana Ranaut, Akshay Kumar, Anil Kapoor, Vikrant Massey, and renowned filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani.