Shah Rukh Khan has been discharged from KD Hospital in Ahmedabad after receiving treatment for dehydration. The Bollywood star was admitted to the hospital on May 22 due to health concerns arising from dehydration. Pooja Dadlani, his manager, took to Instagram to update fans, expressing gratitude for their love and prayers. She assured them of Shah Rukh Khan's improving condition, thanking them for their concern.
The actor's visit to Ahmedabad coincided with his attendance at a cricket match between Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) and Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH). Despite receiving a warm welcome at the ITC Narmada Hotel upon his arrival, Shah Rukh Khan's health took a turn for the worse the following morning. He was subsequently hospitalized around 1 pm on May 22. Doctors advised him to rest adequately for recovery.
Notable personalities from the cricket world and Bollywood, including Gauri Khan and KKR co-owners Jay Mehta and Juhi Chawla, visited the hospital to check on the actor's health. Juhi Chawla, after visiting Shah Rukh Khan, shared that he was feeling better and hoped he would soon be back to cheering for KKR during the finals scheduled for the weekend.
The incident coincides with a period of extreme heat waves in Ahmedabad, contributing to health concerns for individuals spending prolonged periods outdoors. Shah Rukh Khan's discharge from the hospital marks a positive step in his recovery journey, reassuring fans and well-wishers of his improving health status.