The Maharashtra government is set to refund Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan ₹9 crore, an amount paid in excess during the conversion of the lease of his iconic sea-facing bungalow, Mannat, into full ownership.
According to Satish Bagal, the suburban collector of the area, the conversion took place in 2019 when Shah Rukh Khan and his wife, Gauri Khan, changed the status of Mannat, a heritage property in Bandra, to "class 1 complete ownership." The couple paid a significant premium for the process.
However, a subsequent review revealed a calculation error in the premium charged. Upon discovering the discrepancy, the Khans filed an application with the revenue authorities to reclaim the excess payment. The application was reviewed and approved earlier this week.
While reports suggest that Shah Rukh Khan paid more than ₹25 crore as the premium amount, officials have yet to confirm the exact figure.
This refund marks the resolution of a long-standing administrative error and highlights the actor's diligence in addressing property-related matters.