Shiv Kumar, the man responsible for shooting NCP leader Baba Siddique, was apprehended on Sunday in Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh. He had been on the run since the October 12 shooting and was attempting to flee to Nepal when he was caught in a joint operation conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) and Mumbai Crime Branch.
Kumar used a 9.9 mm pistol to shoot Baba Siddique outside the office of his son, MLA Zeeshan Siddique, in Bandra East. A total of six rounds were fired during the attack. Three shooters were involved in the murder, and all have now been arrested.
Along with Shiv Kumar, four other individuals were arrested for allegedly providing him with shelter and helping him escape to Nepal. During questioning, Kumar confessed to being linked with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. One of the gang members had claimed responsibility for the murder the day after it occurred.
Kumar stated that the killing was carried out under the direction of Anmol Bishnoi, the brother of Lawrence Bishnoi. He further revealed that his contact with Anmol Bishnoi was facilitated by Shubham Lonkar, a known associate of the gang.
The Mumbai Police had previously confirmed that Anmol Bishnoi had been in contact with the shooters before the incident and had communicated with them via Snapchat. Anmol had also sent a photo of Baba Siddique’s son, Zeeshan, to the shooters prior to the attack. Known as 'Bhanu,' Anmol Bishnoi fled India using a fake passport and was reportedly spotted in Kenya last year and in Canada this year.
Anmol Bishnoi is also wanted in connection with the 2022 shooting at actor Salman Khan’s residence and the murder of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has included him on its most-wanted list, offering a reward of Rs 10 lakh for any information leading to his capture.
With the arrest of Shiv Kumar, the total number of individuals arrested in the Baba Siddique murder case has risen to 23.