The Telangana government has launched a groundbreaking initiative, becoming the first in India to introduce a transgender-specific recruitment and welfare program. Under this new scheme, transgender individuals will be trained and employed to support traffic management in Hyderabad.
Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy unveiled the program, which aims to provide meaningful employment for transgender persons while improving road traffic efficiency. Recruits will undergo specialized training to assist the Hyderabad traffic police, marking a significant step toward inclusivity in public service.
State officials emphasized that the initiative is designed to empower the transgender community by offering stable government jobs. Plans are also underway to create unique uniforms for the transgender recruits, with variations for individuals identifying as "He/She" and "Him/Her." The employment package, including salaries and benefits, is being finalized to ensure equitable treatment for all recruits.
Following their training, the transgender personnel will be stationed across various areas of Hyderabad to aid in traffic management. The government highlighted that this initiative not only addresses traffic control needs but also offers much-needed job opportunities to a marginalized community. According to officials, this dual-purpose initiative is not only a first in India but also on the global stage, aiming to tackle both employment disparities and traffic issues simultaneously.