Tension gripped Surat's Sayedpura area in Gujarat early Monday when a group of minors allegedly threw stones at a Ganesh pandal, sparking a heated clash. Thousands of locals gathered at a nearby police station, demanding strict action against those involved.
A large police contingent was immediately deployed to control the situation. Law enforcement officials resorted to lathi charge and used tear gas to disperse the agitated crowd.
Surat Police Commissioner Anupam Gehlot confirmed that the minors involved in the stone-pelting incident were taken into custody, and police forces were stationed throughout the area to maintain peace. "All those responsible for disrupting the peace are being arrested. Approximately 1,000 police personnel have been deployed," Gehlot told ANI.
Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi and BJP MLA Kanti Balar visited the site around 2:30 a.m. to address the local community and de-escalate the situation. Sanghavi later confirmed that six minors had been detained for throwing stones at the pandal, and 27 others, who allegedly incited the incident, were also arrested.
Sanghavi added that CCTV footage and other surveillance methods were being used to identify additional culprits. "As promised, we apprehended the stone-pelters before sunrise. Our teams worked through the night, and we will ensure that all those responsible are brought to justice," Sanghavi stated on X.