Mumbai police have arrested three individuals after a video went viral showing a sacrificial goat with ‘Ram’ inscribed on its skin. The incident has sparked outrage and led to the closure of the involved meat shop.
The video, which shows a white goat with ‘Ram’ inscribed in yellow on its skin, captured attention on social media. The footage also depicts members of a Hindu organization confronting the shop owner about the inscription.
Following the video's circulation, activists from Bajrang Dal filed a complaint with the police. This led to the sealing of the meat shop in question, according to an official statement.
The goat, intended for sale in Belapur for Eid ul-Adha (Bakrid), was the center of the controversy. Police arrested three men: Mohammad Shafi Sheikh, Sajid Shafi Sheikh, and Kuyyam. They face charges under Sections 295(A) and 34 of the Indian Penal Code for hurting religious sentiments, as well as violations of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
An investigation is ongoing to determine further details of the case.