On Monday, traffic snarls plagued several routes between Delhi and Noida, including the Kalindi Kunj carriageway and the Sarita Vihar flyover. The congestion was primarily due to road closures related to the Kanwariya movement and the breakdown of buses.
Commuters reported severe delays, with one individual posting on X about taking two hours to travel just a kilometer. Photos of the traffic jams were also shared widely on social media.
According to the Delhi Traffic Police, the jam on Kalindi Kunj and the carriageway from Kalindi Kunj towards Noida was exacerbated by a bus breakdown on the Yamuna Bridge. Similarly, traffic on Mathura Road, from Ashram towards Badarpur, was affected by another bus breakdown.
The traffic advisory issued by the police on July 27 highlighted that several roads had been closed to accommodate the Kanwariyas. It was noted that traffic would be heavy at Kalindi Kunj Red Light and Road No. 13-A, Jasola Vihar, due to restrictions imposed by UP Police on the carriageway from Kalindi Kunj towards Noida.
The advisory further detailed that half of the carriageway towards Noida from Kalindi Kunj would be dedicated to Kanwariyas, urging commuters to adjust their travel plans accordingly. It also advised that traffic entering Noida via Yamuna Bridge should turn right onto Road No. 13-A to reach Sarita Vihar flyover and other destinations, as Agra Canal Road would also face restrictions.
Heavy vehicles heading to Noida were rerouted to reduce congestion on Kalindi Kunj Yamuna Bridge. Roads including Kalindi Kunj Bridge to the Traffic Signal, Road 13-A from Sarita Vihar flyover to Kalindi Kunj signals, and Agra Canal Road were closed.
For those traveling from Noida, the recommended route was via Noida Expressway, DND-Ashram Chowk-Mathura Road. Commuters going to Noida from Sarita Vihar Flyover and Okhla were advised to use Apollo Red Light, Mathura Road-Ashram Chowk-DND.