A tragic accident occurred on Monday afternoon in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, resulting in the death of a 23-year-old woman. According to police reports, Shweta Survase, who had no prior driving experience, accidentally pressed the accelerator while the car was in reverse gear, causing it to plunge into a valley.
The incident unfolded while Shweta's friend, Shivraj Mule, was filming her attempt to drive a white sedan for the first time. The video, which has since been widely circulated on social media, shows Shweta rotating the steering wheel as the car moved in reverse. Suddenly, the vehicle gained speed, broke through a crash barrier, and fell into the valley, accompanied by Shivraj's frantic screams.
A police official from Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, previously known as Aurangabad, provided details of the accident. "Survase tried driving while her friend was recording a video. She mistakenly pressed the accelerator while in reverse, causing the car to slide back, break the crash barrier, and fall into the valley," the official said.
Rescue teams took about an hour to reach the scene. Sadly, Shweta was declared dead upon arrival at a nearby hospital. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the dangers of inexperienced driving.