Several tragic incidents marred Muharram processions across districts in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday, resulting in four fatalities and multiple injuries. In Gonda, a 12-year-old child named Ashraf was electrocuted when a tazia fixture touched a high-tension wire, leading to his death. Another person, Riyasat, sustained burns and is currently stable after receiving medical care.
In Telianpurwa village of Itiathok area, four individuals were electrocuted under similar circumstances involving a tazia and an overhead power cable. The injured were promptly taken to a hospital for treatment.
In Pratapgarh, 25-year-old Mohd Wasif lost his life due to electrocution caused by a tazia touching a high-tension wire near Babuganj Railway Gate. Meanwhile, in Bhatpur village in Khalilabad Police Station area, Mohammad Ali, 24, succumbed to electrocution, and three others were injured.
Additionally, in Ballia's Bharatpur Chhapra village, four children sustained injuries when a roof collapsed while they were watching the procession. Similarly, in Kannauj, a child died and 14 others were injured when a house roof collapsed on spectators gathered for the Muharram procession.
In Bahraich, an interfaith clash erupted over the procession route in Sanchauli village, leaving four injured. According to Additional Superintendent of Police Ramanand Kushwaha, the dispute arose when a fence in a farmer's field was removed to facilitate the procession route.
The incidents have sparked grief and concern across the affected regions, prompting authorities to intensify safety measures during religious processions.