Puja Khedkar, a probationary IAS officer from Maharashtra, faced controversy after her demands for a separate office, car, and accommodation were revealed in WhatsApp chats with an official at the Pune collectorate. In the chat, she directed the officer to arrange these facilities before her joining as Assistant Collector on June 3.
According to reports, Khedkar insisted on having a designated cabin and vehicle ready upon her arrival, stating, "Pls get the designated cabin m vehicle done before I join on 3rd. Later there will be no time. If it is not possible let me know, I will talk to collector sir accordingly."
Her demands, flagged by the District Collector to the Chief Secretary, included using a VIP hall as her cabin, which was deemed inappropriate for a probationary officer. Despite being offered a chamber, she declined due to the lack of an attached bathroom.
As a result of these revelations, the District Collector recommended that Khedkar's training in Pune be discontinued to avoid administrative complications. Subsequently, she was transferred to Washim district to complete her training.
Recently, Khedkar was appointed as the Assistant Collector in Washim on a supernumerary basis until July 30, 2025.
The controversy deepened when it was discovered that Khedkar allegedly submitted fake disability and Other Backward Class (OBC) certificates during her civil services examination. She applied under the OBC and visually impaired categories, also presenting a mental illness certificate. However, she repeatedly refused to undergo medical tests at AIIMS to verify her disabilities, despite being asked six times.
The issues surrounding Khedkar's demands and alleged misconduct have sparked scrutiny and raised questions about her conduct and eligibility in the civil services.