As Odisha gears up for a new Chief Minister following Naveen Patnaik's 24-year tenure, efforts are also underway to find a new official residence for the incoming leader. Patnaik, who has led the state since 2000, conducted his official duties from his personal residence, Naveen Niwas, a home built by his father, former Chief Minister Biju Patnaik.
Since taking office, Naveen Patnaik chose to operate from his private residence instead of a government-allocated house, a move that was unprecedented in the state's political history. For nearly a quarter-century, Naveen Niwas has been the epicenter of Odisha's administrative activities.
With the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) poised to announce a new Chief Minister, the state administration is actively searching for a suitable official residence. A senior government official mentioned that several vacant quarters, including the current Chief Minister's Grievance Cell, are under consideration. However, the transition will not be immediate, as the selected residence will require renovations and the installation of necessary facilities.
In the meantime, the state administration plans to prepare a suite in the State Guest House to temporarily accommodate the new Chief Minister. Historically, former Chief Ministers like Hemananda Biswal and Janaki Ballabh Patnaik worked from a single-storey building near Bhubaneswar Club. In 1995, after JB Patnaik was re-elected, the Chief Minister's Office was moved to a two-storey building that now houses the Chief Minister's Grievance Cell and also served as the official residence of Giridhar Gamang.
The Patnaik family's original residence, Anand Bhavan, is in Cuttack. It has been managed by a caretaker for the past five decades and now functions as a museum. Biju Patnaik moved to Bhubaneswar after constructing Naveen Niwas. The Patnaik family also owns a house on Aurangzeb Road in New Delhi, which remains in their possession.
The recent state elections marked a significant shift in Odisha's political landscape, with the BJP securing 78 seats in the 147-member assembly, ending the Biju Janata Dal's (BJD) long-standing dominance. The BJD secured 51 seats, while the Congress took 14 seats, and three seats went to Independent candidates. In the Lok Sabha elections, the BJD suffered a heavy defeat, with the BJP winning 20 out of 21 seats, and Congress securing one.
The new BJP government will be sworn in tomorrow at 5 pm. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to arrive in Bhubaneswar at 2:30 pm and will proceed to Raj Bhavan from the airport before attending the oath-taking ceremony at Janata Maidan.