Trinamool Congress MP Sagarika Ghose on Thursday filed a privilege motion notice against Union Minister Kiren Rijiju, accusing him of using "unparliamentary language" by calling opposition MPs "unworthy" of being in the Rajya Sabha. The notice has reportedly been endorsed by 60 opposition MPs, according to sources cited by PTI.
The controversy arose from Rijiju’s remarks during a session in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. Addressing opposition members, he said, “You all are not worthy of being in this house.”
Opposition Reacts
Speaking to reporters, Ghose criticized Rijiju for what she described as repeated insults aimed at opposition members. “Instead of striving to ensure the smooth functioning of Parliament, the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs has resorted to belittling the opposition,” she said. She further accused Rijiju of misusing his position and failing to uphold the dignity of his office.
The privilege motion alleges that Rijiju’s comments were unbecoming of a minister and constituted an abuse of his authority. Senior leaders from various opposition parties reportedly supported the motion.
Rijiju Defends His Remarks
Rijiju’s remarks came in defense of Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, who has faced criticism from opposition members for alleged partisanship. Responding to opposition criticisms, Rijiju stated, “If you cannot respect the chair, you have no right to be a member of this House.”
No-Confidence Motion Against Dhankhar
The privilege motion follows a separate move by the INDIA bloc opposition. Earlier this week, 60 opposition MPs submitted a notice of no-confidence against Dhankhar, accusing him of being “extremely partisan” in his role as Rajya Sabha Chairman.
The developments highlight the growing tensions between the government and opposition in Parliament, with accusations of partisanship and disrespect deepening the divide.