A US citizen, identified as Cherish, claims to have been defrauded by a jeweller father-son duo in Jaipur, who allegedly sold her artificial jewellery worth Rs 300 for a staggering Rs 6 crore. Cherish made the purchase nearly two years ago from a shop named Rama Radium on Gopalji Ka Rasta in Jaipur, where she was provided with a hallmark certificate indicating the jewellery's purity.
Upon returning to the US and exhibiting the jewellery at an exhibition, Cherish discovered that it was fake. Subsequently, she returned to Jaipur and confronted the shop owner, Gaurav Soni, about the fraudulent transaction. Further investigations revealed that the diamonds in the jewellery were moonstones, and the gold content, supposed to be 14 carats, was only two carats.
An FIR was lodged against jeweller Rajendra Soni and his son Gaurav Soni on May 18 under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. The police have since arrested Nandkishore for issuing fake hallmark certificates, while the main accused, Gaurav Soni, remains at large.
Cherish alleges that the jewellers systematically cheated her by substituting lower-grade materials for the promised 14-carat gold and natural diamonds. She claims that the fraud extends beyond her, affecting approximately ten other designers who were similarly deceived by the accused. Cherish asserts that the jewellers provided fake certificates and delivered jewellery with substandard materials.
While the accused jewellers are evading arrest, the police have initiated a lookout for Gaurav Soni. The case has garnered attention as several other complaints alleging fraud worth crores by the same individuals are currently under investigation.