A tragic train derailment near Uttar Pradesh's Gonda railway station on Thursday resulted in the death of at least four people and left 20 others injured. The incident involved the Chandigarh-Dibrugarh Express, which had departed from Chandigarh station at 11.35 pm on Wednesday and was headed to Dibrugarh, Assam.
The derailment occurred between the Motiganj and Jhilahi railway stations in Gonda district. Eight coaches of the train went off the tracks. Top Railways officials have arrived at the scene, and emergency response is underway with at least 15 ambulances and 40 medical team members present. The State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) is also assisting with the rescue operations.
According to sources, both loco pilots are unharmed. Railways officials reported that the loco pilot heard a loud explosion-like noise just before the derailment, and sabotage is being investigated as a possible cause.
Gonda District Magistrate Neha Sharma, who visited the site, confirmed, "Eight coaches have derailed and four fatalities have been reported so far. All other passengers have been rescued. All available ambulances are here, and local residents have been instrumental in the rescue efforts."
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed officials to expedite relief work. "The train accident in Gonda district is extremely unfortunate. District administration officials have been directed to carry out relief and rescue operations on a war footing and to take the injured to the hospital on top priority and provide them with proper treatment. I pray to Lord Shri Ram for the speedy recovery of the injured," he said in a statement.
As a result of the derailment, two trains have been cancelled and 11 others have been diverted. The Railways has established helpline numbers for different stations to assist those affected:
- Lucknow (LJN): 8957409292
- Gonda (GD): 8957400965
- Commercial Control: 9957555984
- Furkating (FKG): 9957555966
- Mariani (MXN): 6001882410
- Simalguri (SLGR): 8789543798
- Tinsukia (NTSK): 9957555959
- Dibrugarh (DBRG): 9957555960