On Thursday evening, the Chandigarh-Dibrugarh Express faced a catastrophic derailment near Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, reportedly preceded by a loud explosion that alerted the train's driver. The derailment, which occurred just kilometers before the Jhulahi railway station, claimed the lives of two individuals and left numerous passengers injured. Visuals from the site depicted scenes of chaos and passengers managing their belongings amidst the derailed coaches, including overturned AC coaches.
Medical and emergency response teams swiftly mobilized to the scene, providing aid to the injured. Compensation plans were announced, with ₹10 lakh allocated for families of the deceased, ₹2.5 lakh for those severely injured, and ₹50,000 for minor injuries. As a result of the incident, other trains along the route, such as the Katihar-Amritsar Express and Guwahati-Shrimata Vaishnodevi Katra Express, were either cancelled or diverted.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath were briefed on the situation, with assurances of coordinated efforts for relief and medical care. Helpline numbers were issued by the North Eastern Railways to assist passengers and families affected by the derailment.
The incident has also sparked political outcry, with the Congress party demanding accountability from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw for recent railway accidents. Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge urged them to take responsibility for systemic lapses within the Indian Railways, citing previous accidents that have claimed lives.
"Our deepest condolences go out to the families of the deceased, and our thoughts are with those injured," Kharge stated, referencing the recent collision involving the Sealdah-Agartala Kanchanjunga Express that resulted in 11 fatalities a month earlier.