Telugu cinema icon Allu Arjun was granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court on Friday following his arrest in connection with the stampede at the premiere of his highly anticipated film, Pushpa 2: The Rule, in Hyderabad. The court emphasized that, despite his celebrity status, Allu Arjun is entitled to the fundamental rights of life and liberty as an Indian citizen.
The decision came after a day of intense legal proceedings. Earlier on Friday morning, Allu Arjun was arrested at his residence in Hyderabad. Hours later, a lower court ordered the actor to be placed in judicial custody for 14 days. The incident under scrutiny occurred on December 4 at the Sandhya Theatre, where a stampede during the premiere claimed the life of a 39-year-old woman and left her young son seriously injured.
The High Court, while granting bail, highlighted that being a public figure does not negate a person’s rights under the law. "He may be an actor, but that does not mean his right to life and liberty can be compromised. As a citizen, he is entitled to these fundamental rights," the court observed. The bench also expressed its condolences for the family of the deceased while acknowledging the seriousness of the tragedy.
Allu Arjun’s legal team welcomed the court's decision, arguing that the actor had cooperated with authorities and was not directly responsible for the unfortunate incident. Meanwhile, the investigation into the circumstances of the stampede continues.
This legal development has drawn widespread attention, especially from fans of the actor, who eagerly await the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule, the sequel to the 2021 blockbuster Pushpa: The Rise.